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Coquille River South Jetty Light Change (update!)

Due to public comment and activism, the USCG District 13 has decided to put a permanent hold on the change to the Coquille River South Jetty Light 8.

Any letters of suport can be sent to the email address listed below. 

"OREGON – COQUILLE RIVER – Conversion of the continuous sound signal to a Marine Radio Activated Sound Signal

The U.S. Coast Guard will be changing the sound signal on Coquille River South Jetty Light 8 (LLNR 8700) from a continuously sounding fog signal to a Marine Radio Activated Sound Signal (MRASS) on or about 10 May 2019. The fog signal will be activated by the maritime users as needed by keying a VHF-FM microphone five (5) times on the assigned frequency of VHF-FM channel 83A (157.175 MHz). The Sound Signal will activate for approximately one half hour (30 minutes) and then cease. A Broadcast Notice to Mariners will be issued upon the completion of the change, and it will be published in Local Notice to Mariners. Mariners are encouraged to share comments on this change and the performance and operation of these lights as aids to navigation. All comments should be sent to the email address sends e-mail). Any discrepancy for these or other Aids to Navigation should continue to be reported to US Coast Guard Sector North Bend."