Mooring Rules and Tips
Moorage is assigned and paid in advance through the port office only. Please do not tie your vessel in any slip before registering through the port office. Do not assume an empty slip is an available slip. NOTE: If you have not already done so we need to have you fill out a new Moorage Agreement form. You can find it under Marina/Mooring on our home page. All returning moorage clients will be asked to update their forms. Please have your boat insurance agent e-mail or fax us a binder of your insurance as it renews. No insurance/no moorage.
Port offices are open from 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Monday through Friday and closed on all federal holidays.
Phone (541) 347-3206 for information.
Call after hours cell phone number posted at the marina gangway and below for slip assignment. (541) 290-9855
Moorage can be paid in the drop box located outside the Port of Bandon office at 390 First St. SW, Bandon if the office is closed after you have been assigned a slip. Any boat tied to dock unpaid pays a daily rate until moorage agreement form is filled out and any weekly, monthly, semi-annual or annual begins at that time. No back time will be credited toward the better rate.
YOUR BOAT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY- If the Port has to tow, tie or pump, charges are $50 per hr.

SECURE YOUR BOAT- Bandon has wind all summer 20+ knots from the north and all winter 20+ knots from the south! Wind creates river chop, and chop creates chafe.
1. No boat of ANY size should be moored with lines less than ½ inch diameter. Do not use polypro lines or webbing to secure your boat. Any damage to your boat or any other boat is your responsibility.
2. Fenders (minimum of 3) should be large and pumped up properly.
3. Use 4 separate lines to tie your boat. (1.) bow of boat to dock cleat- the Bow line...(2) stern of boat to dock cleat- the Aft line...(3) forward cleat on dock to stern cleat on your boat-(4) stern cleat on dock to forward cleat on your boat. 2 separate Spring lines.

- Secure your boat to the cleat with a loop under the cleat as shown in 1.
- After the complete loop use figure 8 loops as seen in 2.
- Follow with figure 8 locking hitch as shown in 3.
- Coil any extra dock line next to the cleat to prevent tripping hazards.
4. Use proper chafing gear on your mooring lines at all cleats and chocks. Small diameter fire hose works well.
5. Keep all your gear on the boat. No storage of gear or crab pots on docks or fingers.
6. Don’t nail anything to the dock. Loop or tie fenders to cleats.
7. UNATTENDED CRAB POTS on your boat or on the dock will be confiscated, as they create potential hazards to navigation.
8. Please do not board vessels without owner’s permission.
- Power Pedestals provide 30 AMP power.
- Connecting to shore power requires a MARINE-RATED 30amp cord that provides a direct connection between your vessel and the shore power pedestal. Do not use pig-tails to adapt a smaller cord to the plug. Any household extension cord found plugged into port shore power whether it says for outdoor use or not will be removed by port. No exceptions. Electrical cords must stay out of the water AT ALL TIMES.
- Automotive battery chargers will NOT be allowed on your boat. If you don’t have a marine charger, disconnect the battery and charge it on land (somewhere else).
- Please help us keep these facilities clean and safe.
- Please refer to the fish waste regulations posted at the cleaning table locations.
- Please keep your pets on a leash.
- Please report any suspicious activity to the port office or local police.
- Please think safety at all times and enjoy your stay.