Port of Bandon’s boat basin and boat launch maintenance dredging project, involving dredging and disposal of up to 89,200 cubic yards (cy) of sediment over a 10-year period from their boat basin and boat launch areas to facilitate vessel access. Work will be conducted by means of a hydraulic suction dredge and associated pipeline. Dredged material will be discharged below the high tide line of the Coquille River at a dispersive, flow-lane site located in the Corps’ Coquille River Federal Navigation Channel. Dredging will occur during the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) preferred in-water work window for the Coquille River estuary or under an approved extension; October 1 to February 15. The proposed dredging and disposal would take days to weeks to accomplish depending on the amount of material to be removed and tidal conditions. Approximately 0.01 acre (600 square feet) of eelgrass located within the boat launch dredge prism will be relocated to an area located immediately south of the boat launch dredge prism. Relocation will occur by hand using hand tools and will include monitoring the eelgrass regrowth success for 5 years.

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