Launch Ramp Replacement
The entire existing boat launch dock, ramp, and pile infrastructure is past its design life and has become an unstable and at times unsafe facility. This Project is to replace the launch ramp with a new facility with a design that responds to the needs of boaters, as well as to meet modern safety and environmental parameters.
Preliminary design work, completed by the Oregon Marine Board, is completed and was used by the Port to apply for permitting, which is now complete. The fabrication of boarding docks for this project were recently procured through an open, competitive, sealed bid process with time sensitive public funding. Funding for the remainder of this project was recently secured and final design work is now underway by the Marine Board. The Port’s goal is to complete the construction work for the launch ramp alongside a larger project, the Port’s Marina Replacement Project, which is now under contract. On-site in-water work is scheduled to begin during October of 2023.
